Low cost worldwide data
Our prepaid internet rates are up to 95% less than other providers so you can browse the web while you travel without having to worry about extortionate data roaming charges.
Manage your costs easily
Unlike contract SIM cards, our prepaid internet SIM will not enable you to over spend. Simply add a bundle which is valid for up to 30 days or add prepaid credit (which only expires if you don't use the SIM once a year). You can stay in control of your c
Top up anytime, anywhere
You can top up 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. Top up online, over the phone or set an automatic top up.
Works in any device
Use it as an ipad SIM card, in a tablet or in a mobile hotspot! Our global internet SIM cards are compatible with all unlocked devices including iPads, tablets, WiFi Hotspots, laptops and all our data roaming gadgets. Simply insert the Data SIM Card into
3 SIM Sizes Available
The WorldSIM Data SIM is triple punched so its 3 SIM sizes in one (standard, micro and nano). It works in all unlocked devices and it’s suitable as an iPad SIM card.
Data coverage in 187 countries
We have negotiated low cost data roaming rates in 187 destinations. This includes all of the popular destinations for both leisure and business users. Get 4G speeds in all countries that offer
24/7 customer service
If you need assistance at any time, we are available 24 hours a day. You can call us, use live chat, email us, talk to us on social media (not 24 hours) or use our FAQ's.
Easy to use
The WorldSIM Data SIM card is so easy to use and with your online account you can check your balance, top up, set an auto top up and get immediate assistance if you need it.