8 Ways to get fit with a smartwatch

Having a personal trainer strapped to your wrist is the easiest and more effective weight to get healthy.  With constant reminders and many fitness tracking apps, you can get fit easily and create new healthy habits that last. So let’s take a look at 8 wondrous ways smartwatches with fitness trackers can help you lose weight and stay in shape…

Smartwatch with fitness tracker 

Step it up

The average person takes about 4000 steps a day, by using the built-in pedometer you can monitor your steps and try to increase them.  Take the stairs instead of the lift, get off the bus one stop early – it all mounts up.  According to scientific research, everyone should try to increase their steps to 10,000 a day.  Having a smartwatch count these steps for you is ideal as it’s always on your wrist so every step will be counted.

Monitor your sleep

Never underestimate the impact of a good night sleep! It's something we all want but actually getting a night of good restful sleep isn’t quite so easy, but a sleep monitor can help. Sleep monitor apps on smartwatches monitor your movements during sleep and assess your sleep-wake cycles to see how restful you’ve slept.  This can help you in many ways and aid you in fixing your sleeping pattern so you can make the most of your day, it can also help you live longer, be more alter and feel happier.

Heart Rate Monitor and ECG Analysis

A smartwatch with heart monitor helps ensure you don’t overdo your exercise and stay safe while you work out, they might say feel the burn but for the sake of your heart, you don’t want to overdo it. Secondly, they help you find your exercise sweet spot; this is the pace you need to go at that keeps you moving while also keeping your heart rate balanced. Finding your maximum heart rate will take a little practice but with a heart monitor, you can easily see at a glance how your heart is handling your current pace.

An ECG analysis is another handy heart feature that a few smartwatches have, but while you might have heard the phrase before what does it actually mean? An ECG or electrocardiogram to give it its full name is a test designed to measure the electrical activity of your heart. It records the heart's rhythm during exercise, resting or just regular day to day activities and can be used to detect heart conditions like an irregular heartbeat, heart disease and much more. If you already suffer from an existing heart condition or take medication that could potentially affect your heart then an ECG Analysis app is a great way to monitor your hearts current health.   


Exercise can affect your body’s temperature in a number of ways but keeping it level or as close to level as possible can help you get the best results possible and keep yourself energized throughout the day. By monitoring your temperature you’ll be able to manipulate it to be as productive and comfortable as possible. But how does body temperature affect exercise and your health?  Well to put it simply during exercise, respiration releases energy in the muscles causing it to heat up and when your body temperature rises too high your skin produces sweat, which evaporates and then cools the skin.  Maintaining balanced body temperature is essential for safe and healthy exercise and with your smartwatches temperature monitor, you can view your body temperature at a glance and ensure you are staying within safe and healthy levels. The healthy resting core temperature after exercise is 97.7 to 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Move it reminders

Sitting for too long can easily cause problems with your health but with many jobs today requiring that we sit behind a desk for long periods actually getting up moving about can be difficult. That’s why the sedentary reminder feature on smartwatches is so amazing it does exactly what so many of us today need it to, remind us when to get up and get moving.  Having a personal trainer strapped to your wrist, reminding you to get up and move regularly will help you create good habits, especially for those with desk jobs.  Not only will it increase your steps it will also give your eyes a break for the computer screen and help you feel more refreshed, meaning you are therefore more productive.

Challenge your best

Use the stopwatch and timer functions on smartwatches to challenge your best times.  These are particularly useful for runners and joggers.  We all have that competitive streak somewhere and its best used competing against our previous bests.  Keep track of your times so you can monitor your progress and ensure that you’re sticking to your fitness plans.

Get lost in the music

Get a smartwatch with external storage so you can save all your music on a micro SD card to listen to your favorite songs or podcasts.  Numerous studies have shown that music can have a big impact on how effectively we work out so get lost in the music and you will forget that you are exercising and you’re more likely to best your personal bests. Forget getting in a tangle with your headphone wires by opting for wireless Bluetooth earphones.

Ease of access

You might be thinking that this all sounds great but can’t my smartphone do all this? While smartphones can run fitness apps many of the health and fitness apps of a smartwatch are built into the watch itself, which means they’ll be more accurate.  But it’s not just that a simple flick of the wrist is all it takes to get your readings or monitor your progress with a smartwatch, while with a smartphone it means taking it out of your pocket and stopping what you’re doing all together. Smartphones are also heavier and bulkier they might feel lightweight in your hand but trust use running with one in your pocket is noticeable and incredibly annoying.

Check out these range of smartwatches; great battery life, fitness trackers and you can insert a SIM card inside and them it as a phone!


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