Upgrade Your SIM for Lower Rates

There’s no such thing as perfection, everything can always be improved, that’s why we are continuously improving the technology on our SIM cards in order to give you lower rates, better functionality and more coverage.  Our latest SIM improvements do however mean that if you have the old SIM you will need to upgrade.

 upgraded sim card

Why upgrade?

Our new and improved SIM cards give you 40% lower rates and what’s even better is that they are much simpler to use.  Forget about having to manually select a location as our new SIM does that automatically.  The new SIM is triple punched so it will fit in any device.  You’ll get more coverage (200 countries) and free incoming calls in more destinations (95 countries).  Our rates on the new SIM are much lower and in addition to lower cost pay as you go rates the new SIM can also have international data bundles added to it.  Just to give you an idea on the benefit of data bundles, 1 GB of USA data on pay as you go on the data SIM would cost £235, a bundle would cost just £53!


How to you know if you have the old SIM?

The easiest way to tell is if you try to add a bundle to your SIM (don’t worry you don’t have to buy one, you just need to check if it will allow you to add one). Go to the bundles tab on the top up page, select any bundle, enter your SIM number and try and add it to your basket.  If you get an error message you really should upgrade your SIM to benefit from the lowest rates.  If you don’t get an error message you already have the new SIM.  If you have more than one SIM (could be the international SIM, data SIM or UK SIM) then repeat this process with each to see which SIM cards are new and which need to be upgraded.

 international data bundles

How to upgrade

If you got the error message from trying to add a bundle and you want to upgrade then just select click on the SIM card you want to upgrade to from the list below, add it to your basket and check out. 

International SIM: For calls, SMS and data worldwide

UK Travel SIM: For calls, SMS and data worldwide just like the International SIM but lower rates in the UK and cheap international calls from the UK

Data SIM: For worldwide data.  This SIM is for data only devices like tablets and portable WiFi devices

If you have credit on your old SIM we can transfer the balance to your new SIM, just call us or contact us on Live Chat (bottom right hand corner of the screen, you might have to click ‘X’ on the cookies notification message to see it).  If you want to transfer your WorldSIM number, this can be done in some cases but it does take quite a long time (allow at least 30 days).  Not all numbers can be ported depending on what version of SIM card you have.

You can upgrade from any type of SIM to any new SIM, for example if you had a data SIM but want to upgrade to an international SIM that’s no problem.


Need help?  Contact us on Live Chat for the fastest response.

